Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Mice on Main Scavenger Hunt in Culpeper Virginia

We were planning a day trip to Culpeper, VA in July 2021 and heard about the new "Mice on Main" promotion that they recently set up. It is a scavenger hunt in the Main Street area. The activity turned out to be more difficult than we expected, and there is not much information about it on the internet. We also asked several shopkeepers about the activity and they had no awareness of it. So this blog post will hopefully be helpful for future visitors trying out this fun event.

There are seven mice hidden at historic locations in town, and seven clues to help with finding them. The first thing to know is that the clues go in order from North to South, starting just North of Spencer St and ending about a half mile to the South at Mason St. The second thing to know is that you are looking for some very small mouse figurines. Some will be easy to find, because they are in shop windows that you can walk up to. But others are perched up high and only visible from far away.

Here are the clues and (spoiler alert) where to find the hidden mice:

1. "OTIS could have gotten mail here back in the day. Now, it's where people go when they have something important to say."

This mouse is located above and to the right of the main entry door to the municipal building on 302 N Main St. It is visible from the steps in front of the building.

2. "MELODY mouse is a bit of a rebel. In her music lessons she gets into treble. Her home sounds like a real treasure. She enjoys every sharp and flat in each measure."

This mouse is located in the window display at Jewell Tone Music on 203 N Main St. You'll have to look carefully to see it!

3. "My name is PENNY and I love to count my money. It makes me feel carefree, happy, wise, and funny. One day I hope to buy a big boat, but for now I live in a place where you vote."

We think this mouse is at the Culpeper Treasurer's Office at 151 N Main St. This is the only mouse that we were not able to find. If you find it, please leave a comment on this post as we would like to know where it was!

4. "Say Cheese! CHEESE the mouse is glamorous and everyone knows, she goes to the studio and strikes a pose."

You can easily see this mouse by looking in the front window of Studio C Photography at 142 N Main St.

5. "FRIEDA is great at art, that's what people claim. Cheese sat for a portrait, Frieda painted it and bought a frame."

You can easily see this mouse by looking in the front window of Village Frameworks & Gallery at 206 S Main St. When facing the shop, go to the window to the right of the main entrance. (Assuming the mouse is not moved from where we found it.)

6. "TONY thought he could come here to sing and dance. He didn't know that the Sangria here could lead to romance."

There is a restaurant called The Sangria Bowl. It is above the old State theater at 305 S Main St. This mouse is hard to find, but we think it is located on the red section of the column that says "STATE", a few feet above the "AIR CONDITIONED" words. See if you can spot it!

7. "Next door to the oldest house in town, COTTONTAIL the mouse may be found. Once a local museum, you can come here to see him."

This mouse is located in one of the dormer windows. It is visible from the front of the building without too much difficulty. Stop by the Burgandine House next door. The caretakers there are very nice. Ask them to show you which one of the muskets in the upstairs room is an authentic one.

If you want to see pictures of any of the mice, drop a note in the comments and I will send to you.

