Is Lack of Good Choices Really the Problem?
I used to work with a guy who always ended up on the worst projects. He would complain bitterly about the type of work, lack of direction, etc. It seemed unfortunate that he always ended up with these bum assignments. But after a while, I ended up working on some projects with him and I noticed that they weren't that bad. But he continued complaining. This is when I realized that it wasn't the projects that were the problem - it was just that he had a poor outlook about everything.
Sometimes I feel the same way every four years when the Presidential campaign comes along. If you ask people which candidate they support, a lot of people you talk to have a bitter response. They say "I'm not even sure if I will vote. They all stink. This guy is too old. That guy just wants to raise taxes." And so on.
I see the same characteristics in these people as I did with my co-worker. If someone is always finding that they dislike the candidates, then maybe the problem is with them. I usually consider both candidates to be honorable and dedicated to improving the condition of the country. At least that is my starting outlook until I am convinced otherwise. When I spend a little time listening to their ideas, I can usually get past the shallow characterizations and find some areas where I like one better than the other.
For some people, I wonder if complaining about things is a defense mechanism that saves them the trouble of spending time to either work hard or become more informed.