Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Went bowling last night for the first time without the kids since sometime in the late 90's. Christy and I rented shoes and used the alley balls.

After a 156 in the first game, I scored my best game ever, an even 200.

I decided going in to focus on two strategies that were slightly different than the few times I remember bowling from college - use a slightly lighter ball, and take a traditional 4-step approach. Seems to have worked.

I used to think tennis was the easiest sport, but now I am thinking it might be bowling. Imagine in golf, for example, an average duffer not playing for 7 years, borrowing someone else's clubs and then going out along with a rowdy group of teenagers and shooting 80. Could never happen. But this is the equivalent of my bowling experience.

After the game, one of the stoner kids in the next lane pulled me aside. "Um, sir, what does the screen say on it when you get four strikes in a row?"


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